In a rapidly evolving healthcare research and development field, it is more difficult than ever to turn complex, multi-dimensional healthcare problems into research questions that are readily answerable within available time and resources.
Papyrus-SLR is a visualization software to improve the efficiency, reproducibility, and reliability of the systematic literature review process and provides the following functionality:
To achieve this, the interactive visualizations developed by LIST in Papyrus-SLR software support the pre-scoping phase of systematic reviews with better transparency and quality:
Tell us what you think!
We are collecting information from experts about the features provided or planned to be integrated in Papyrus-SLR. A 15-minute anonymous survey can be filled out at the link below: is looking for industrial partners in pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors to collaborate during and beyond the development of Papyrus-SLR (LASCAR project). Involving experts early in a user-centered design is key to ensuring a useful and usable solution. To understand the experience with, and the limitations of, the systematic literature review process, and identify how the software could improve this process, LIST organizes demo sessions with stakeholders in pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. LIST also offers experts the opportunity to test the software and give it feedback concerning which features to add or to improve.
Finally, LIST is looking at building a long-term industrial collaboration to integrate and improve Papyrus-SLR into a deployable solution, fitting the needs of industry, service or public sectors.
LIST has developed Papyrus-SLR to facilitate the literature review process and has published a ‘proof of concept’ study, in which a first version of the tool was trialed in a scoping review.
Using public research funds from the JUMP program of Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), we are currently lifting Papyrus-SLR from a proof-of-concept prototype to a minimum viable product (see LASCAR project for more information).
Nicolas Médoc – – Senior R&T Scientist at LIST, Luxembourg.
Mohammad Ghoniem – – Senior Lead R&T Scientist at LIST, Luxembourg.
Partner: Epi-C – Epidemiology-Consultancy, the Netherlands.
Click on "GUEST LOGIN" button to test the interactive visualizations and explore the query used in the demo video presented above. Don’t hesitate give us feedback!
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